How bizzare, how bizzare

Society.... drives forward but society also drives our souls back.

Being part of society demands conformity, our souls oppose conformity. We have the desire to be unique, to be governed only by our likes and dislikes and to stay true to our moral compass. But what becomes of the friction of society wanting you to be someone you aspire to be not?

That is as much philosophy I will write on this blog, now let's talk about this book I'm reading. The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin is... a very hard read. Now this is the first time I will be reading non-fiction, and this book essentially being a scientific paper, the twists of arguments and facts are kind of driving me away. Now, I strongly believe that my intellect is sufficient to read this through, part in fact that this book is written to be actually digestible, it is written to be read easy.

So why is it, that this book is so mentally exhausting, that I am questioning my ability to read. Can I only read fiction? Is my comprehension only sufficient to read a kid's diary? (The Diary of a Young Girl) I refuse to believe that. But sadly, we will have to put this book on hold. I have an extra one: Think Like a Freak. I didn't buy this, I found this on my elder brother's stack of things. One of those 'better yourself' books written by modern authors you know the deal. I'll hack on this book while also reading Meditations online. Now I hate not having physical copies of books, it is my only rule with my book reading hobby: never pdfs. But.... unless I find Meditations on a bookstore this will have to do (also I read Meditations on my work computer at work, so yeah).

Society... society... The number of new rules I now follow at work is seriously mind numbing. Now I get it, a company has rules and regulations. But do tell me the amount of retardation of a memorandum to not bring your own utensils, a fork and spoon ... Now it is all well and good if you only get a stern warning, but unfortunately no. So, an 'audit' or a misconduct is a record on each employee about his / her behavior. Audits are completely black and white. If you want to be a part of this company full-time, you can't have any audits on your training period. So, color me impressed that by bringing your own spoon and fork will risk your regularization (technically) Now I won't be the shark bait to test this out, hell no. Now I don't know the extent of my NDA, so I won't be listing other acts that risks misconduct, just this latest one.

Also at this time, I might have gotten my diet routine almost complete. I now have 4 staple carb sources. That is:

  1. whole oats
  2. instant oats
  3. red rice
  4. apples

This could very well be the entire carb diet of my life now. All this is optimized for fiber intake. Whole oats are the fan favorite, instant oats I bring uncooked at work. Apples are the go-to snack, I always bring two for my two 15-minute breaks at work. And red rice is there to compromise the sad diet of just oats, I specifically picked red rice because it is the only one that has a nutritional label at the store and has surprisingly good amount of fiber.

Combine all this and I can now get 20 grams of fiber consistently, for a diet sitting around 1500-1900 Calories. Pretty good.

Protein sources I still can't find a decent routine, mainly because I don't have access to refrigeration. I can store eggs and my favorite canned mackerel, both of which are God tier protein sources. Eggs has good fat and is very filling, and the canned fish has supreme protein content though the sodium content is like 40% of my daily.

I do have access to meat produce, I just have to find the time to process these effectively. I can't keep them raw, so the only sensible decision is to buy these after work (6pm) cook it, and either eat it at the morning or save it and bring it to lunch at work.

So, the routine would be eggs, fried meat, and canned fish. I seriously want to let go of the canned fish so I can have a fully home cooked routine, but I can't, it is just too damn good of a protein source. Also, I can just buy a protein source at the work canteen for lunch, but I tend to stay away from that.

Exercise? Unfortunately, I'm closer to sedentary than active nowadays. I still do my body weight exercises (even that I am failing, I haven't trained core and legs for a while), but cardio is gone. To do a 1-hour bike ride, these stars will have to align:

  1. No laundry to do after work.
  2. Didn't have to do a detour to the grocery store after work.
  3. Nothing much to clean at the house.
  4. A meal strategy that is easy to prepare for dinner, because we are going to be biking for the majority of the evening.

You know what, writing this out right now makes me wonder that today the stars will do align, well except for item 4 I don't have canned fish stocked, but I can change that! I'll be biking this evening.