A video in YouTube moved be so much that I had to write a quote about it. This quote is all our 'soul', not in the context of religion and the afterlife but rather our individuality. The YouTube video shares this idea that our actions should be governed by what we--- as an individual; want. If our life revolves around pleasing others and fitting into the confines and ethics of society, we lose ourselves.
Sand dunes are just as happy shifting and changing shape, as is the complacent man. We should look into ourselves what we actually want in life. The measure of who we are shouldn't be what metric society put on our shoulders. If we are looking to do something, we ask ourselves and see if the arguments towards actions really do come from us, and not from external force--- and if it does, we entertain our soul.
Don't be a sand dune and just live your days following the next set of rules. Find time to really think about what you like to do. Now with this said, I'm not telling everyone to quit their demanding and life draining jobs, because being trapped in a capitalist society is another topic for another day. But just here this, start that hobby; be unproductive for a day; live.
This site aspires to be the main dump of me, Jay Andrew Miñon, of anything I would like to share on the Internet / everyone. It will contain pretty much all the media I will feel comfortably to share.
This site aims to be like my main social media channel. In all honestly I am not super negative about sharing your life online, just don't do it on social media(?) The amount of mind hoops we will have to talk about to justify this own website setup for a social media is too much. Maybe I'll make a blog entry about it, or maybe I have already done it.
So there's that, other sections of the page will slowly open up as I work up the courage to share more of my life, and work up yet more courage to work on the website LOL.
Sections of the website are at the top navigation bar. Feel free to stay around. Thank you for visiting the site!.
I have reduced my screen time by a significant amount, and I feel like I am more in tune in what I want and what I do.
Through self-reliance I have evaded the notions of society and basically does what I want. I have removed myself from the concept of shame and herd thinking.
I have rejected the hustle culture and the desire to always be productive. That is simply not what the mind wants.